Victory Baptist Church
Victory Baptist Church
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About Us
Meet the Pastor
Contact Us
photo of helping hand being extended with caption Our Mission
photo of helping hand being extended with caption Our Mission
camera lens symbol
At Victory Baptist Church, we long to be a people of focus. Through both our individual lives and weekly worship services, we want to direct our focus and attention towards the Lord and His glory.
camera lens symbol with caption Focus
At Victory Baptist Church, we long to be a people of focus. Through both our individual lives and weekly worship services, we want to direct our focus and attention towards the Lord and His glory.
heart symbol
We want to be known by our love and care. We seek to love, support, help, and encourage our fellow believers and those we meet in the community.
heart symbol with caption Love
We want to be known by our love and care. We seek to love, support, help, and encourage our fellow believers and those we meet in the community.
symbol of two hands about to clasp
We strive to bless one another through prayer, kindness, and humble service.
symbol of two hands about to clasp with caption Bless
We strive to bless one another through prayer, kindness, and humble service.
fire symbol
We aspire to be people of courage, passion, and faithfulness. We want to boldly share the love, goodness, and salvation of Jesus Christ.
fire symbol with caption Courage
We aspire to be people of courage, passion, and faithfulness. We want to boldly share the love, goodness, and salvation of Jesus Christ.
Bible symbol
We want to understand and know the Gospel of Jesus Christ that is found in Scripture, so that we may be ready and prepared to share this wonderful message with those around us.
Bible symbol with caption Prepare
We want to understand and know the Gospel of Jesus Christ that is found in Scripture, so that we may be ready and prepared to share this wonderful message with those around us.